My Little Victory Garden: My First Harvest

Broccoli Rabe

A couple of months ago, I decided to grow a little victory garden. I tried growing a few vegetables in my little green house box that I built, but it seemed like the only thing that wanted to grow in there was basil.  It was a little depressing when nothing grew…time after time I would plant and plant from seed and they would sprout and a few weeks later kaput…dead. What was I doing wrong? I was frustrated and just tired of planting. So, I stop planting and I focused on taking care of the basil that kept growing rapidly.

Still eager and determine to plant and grow something besides basil. I started gathering information on how to grow a successful garden. I came across an article that gave information about victory gardens and WWII. Intrigued and influenced once again by the idea of growing your own produce I felt the urge to start planting again. So I immediately started working on my raised bed and purchased some compost. I already had the seeds so I was ready to plant. Excited about the whole idea about planting again made me very happy. I planted some Broccoli Rabe, Carrots, Tomatoes, Kale, Spinach, Leafy Lettuce and Arugula.  On yesterday, I had my first harvest of Broccoli Rabe…yes my first harvest and I’m so excited!! I didn’t pull out the whole plant I just cut it back some and hoping I can get another harvest before it gets to hot. Cross you fingers guys…we will see what happens!

The broccoli rabe is so delicious. It does not taste like broccoli more like collard greens or mustard greens, slightly bitter with a nutty flavor. The first few bites I was unsure, but each bite after I began to like it even more!! I sauté it in some garlic infused olive oil, and chopped garlic. I had a jar of roasted red peppers and some English muffins.  So, I placed the roasted peppers on top of the buttery broiled English muffin and covered the peppers with the broccoli rabe and garlic. Sprinkle sea salt and cracked pepper. Oh, I also ate the flowers, singing So Delicious!!

Happy Planting 

Make Fridays A Little More Special Than Normal!!


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